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Call for Applications: Palliative Care Research Fellowship

November 30, 2022
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Applications are now being accepted for the Cambia Palliative Care Center of Excellence palliative care research fellowship. This post-doctoral research fellowship is funded by a T32 Training Grant Award from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute and designed for post-doctoral fellows interested in a 1-2 year fellowship to learn to conduct palliative care research. Applications are due Dec. 15 for positions to start in 2023. Please feel free to share with people you think may be interested in this opportunity. More information about the fellowship program can be found on our website


The T32 fellowship program is directed by Drs. J. Randall Curtis, Erin Kross, and Abby Rosenberg. Eligible trainees must have an interest in palliative care research related to heart, lung or blood disease. Our rigorous selection criteria help identify candidates likely to be successful in a career as independent investigators. Diversity is integral to excellence therefore we value and honor diverse experiences and perspectives.


Please contact us to discuss specific timelines for applications, fellowship dates, or other questions. Training plans will be individualized for each participant. If appropriate, tuition support is available.

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